Physicus in latin alphabet
Physicus in latin alphabet

It is the precursor of the Phoenician system. Also called old-Canaanite, this linear alphabet is made of 23 signs. 1500BC: The proto-Sinaitic script system appears.2000BC: Egyptian scribes develop a 26 symbols alphabet that quickly spread through the Egyptian empire.This new system is capable of conveying any possible idea. 2500BC: cuneiform writing appears in Mesopotamia.However 3 different kinds of glyph appeared word-glyphs used to refer to an object or action, sound-glyphs used for consonants and determinative-glyphs used to indicate the lexical field of a word. The Egyptian writing system was primarily a figurative system: characters were used to represent things and people. 3100BC: Egyptian hieroglyphs appeared when Egyptian adapted the idea of writing using ideograms and logograms from the Sumer civilisation.Writing mostly used pictographs: phonetic signs were used for vowels and ideograms were used to refer to ideas, things or sounds. The Sumerian language is the oldest known language. They create a cuneiform alphabet which will be widely spread, borrowed and adapted. 3700BC: Sumerians developed the idea of a phonetic system.A brief history of the creation of writing: Here is an online Latin course on Superprof. The writing of upper and lower case characters was also influenced and modified many times before eventually be the system we use today. The Latin alphabet was not invented from scratch but on the contrary, it was the results of thousands of years of evolution, assimilation and improvements. Let's go The Latin Alphabet Through Times

Physicus in latin alphabet